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It was following this public sharing of the documents that Mr Teixeira quickly deleted Thug Shaker Central, including its sub-group, Bear vs Pig. Do you guys think things like dreamybull, the thug shaker, and hood irony etc, are just becoming too mainstream and are gonna get ruined soon because of LIMC and random kids just screaming like dreamybull? It happened to Animan so, I think it's gonna happen to most of the thug memes because of LIMC. Roddy RicchArtist : MustardDDR pad I use : pad I use : feature of thug memes. That’s some thug ass right there.Twitch : : Ballin' ft. 😳😳😳Beatmap (Thug shaker) - In My Discord: 's looking for some action.

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it's not gay uf you're doing it for money. Do the thug shaker He's looking for some action.

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